Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Nightstar. Nightstar lived alone in the forest and had never seen the city. Until...


Just no ending it!
11/1/2009 03:15:45 am

"Hey." She heard a voice from behind her in the smoothie shop. She turned around and standing in front of her was this super cute guy she'd never seen before. "What kind of smoothie do you have?"

"Strawberry," she said nervously, "What about yours?"

"The same. Hey you want to come to my house? It's not to far...."

"I'd love to!" she said quickly.


11/2/2009 07:06:43 am

Mushy Gushy! But anyway...

"NOT" He yelled. Then he ran out of the shop, went of on a motercycle laughing with his friends and left his smoothie bill with poor Nightstar.

Sorry... I don't like TOO much mush gush too soon. Maybe sometime in the middle of the story... hint hint*

11/2/2009 07:41:35 am

Nightstar knew that they would meet again. She was burning with anger. "I MUST GET HIM TO PAY THE BILL!" She looked at the road that the guy took, then followed it with her BLUE CARROT LAUNCHER.

BTW- blue carrots make people dance when etten.

11/2/2009 07:45:47 am


She followed him, then thought about the context, how is it possible that they would "meet again" if she was following him? Soo... she stopped the blue carrot launcher and took a bathroom break and got some potatoe chips to eat as she waited for her "knight in shining dept".

11/2/2009 07:56:48 am

She also borrowed my PILLOW OF DOOOM!!!!!!!!!

Nightstar cotinued her walk when she bumped into...BLUESTAR!!! "IT'S A TWOLEG!! RUN!!!" Nightstar looked at the shecat, "Did you just talk." BLuestar looked at Nightstar "Uh... no?"

11/2/2009 08:01:21 am

Nightstar (who happened not to be to bright) shrugged off the incident and kept waiting. Then, just as she was getting really, really, really bored, Rapunzel walked by. Nightstar stared "Aren't you supposed to be locked in the tower?!" Rapunzel shrugged "The witch let me out for a while so I could my annual hair cut." Nightstar stared without blinking for a whole hour, then Rapunzel had a nevervous breakdown and ran back to the tower.

11/2/2009 08:07:16 am


"You ain't never had a friend, like, MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!"
Nightstar heard someone singing, and she tapped her foot the the music, until he sang the last note, which was way off key. She found aladin going smoochy smoochy with Jasmine (and i DARE not say the details...) Out of nowhere...

11/2/2009 08:14:33 am

Nightstar covered her ears, then suddenly... THREE BLIND MICE (in bandages, the farmer's wife finaly got them with that carving knife) started singing even worse than genie! Nightstar ran for her ears, and bumped into the mouse, yes THE mouse, the very one who ran up hickory dickory dock! Then he ran up her pant leg, turned out he was also blind, so he thought her leg was another clock. Then she ran for her legs.

11/2/2009 08:18:50 am


Nightstar didn't look where she was running, and she ran on to the road. all of a sudden... she was ran over by a motercycle, and riding on the modercycle was the boy who needed to pay his smoothie bill with a very hot looking SNOW WHITE!!!

11/2/2009 08:29:02 am

Snow White peered down at Nightstar over her sweet new shades. Nightstar stared at Snow White, "Weren't you supposed to marry the Prince?" "Nah, he passed some dumb laws like "no one under the age of two hundred allowed to go for walks in the forest" and I love the forest. So ya." Nightstar looked at her, then relized that she wasn't really Snow White and this girl was bluffing her so she would seem all cool, and then she walked away, completely forgetting about her knight in shining debt. Then by the time she remebered, he left, and she had to look for him all over again.

11/2/2009 08:34:36 am

"OH NO HE DIDN'T!!" Now Nightstar was mad, and you don't want to see Nightstar mad, she was so hidious, she looked like the MOST ADORIBLE THING IN THE WORLD!! (crowd gasps)I know right. She was so mad, that she flew to unicornworld and took the evilest unicorn then went to pegasusworld and took the wings of the most evilest pegusis and put them on her evil unicorn and charghed at the guy that didn't pay the bill.

11/2/2009 08:43:13 am

Then her unicorn ran out of gasoline, and she took ten hours to find a unicorn oil station.

11/3/2009 06:40:18 am

I thought unicorns didn't need gas...

the ges she got for her unicorn had put the unicorn in a dormant state, so she had to shop for a new one. Out of nowhere, FARIY GODMOTHER appears. "Now you can go to the ball. Bibbity Bobity BOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Nightstar looked conused, "I dnon't need to go to the ball." Before she said another word, she was being taken away to a bal that was apperently taking place.

11/3/2009 08:36:19 am

Then out of the corner of her eye, she saw Cinderella screaming at the top of her lungs, "Wrong story Fairy Godmother! Sorry Nightstar, she's a little near sighted." Unfortunatly, she was also a little deaf, soo, she didn't hear either Cinderella OR Nightstar screaming, so Nightstar had to go to the ball. And guess who else was there. Yep, her knight in shining debt. He was wearing a name tag which said, "Hello, my name is Prince Charming."

11/3/2009 08:53:29 am

Oops, I put Rainpelt up there, force of habit. Anyway, twinkie told me to write this for her...

"Prince Charming" walked up to Nightstar, "Have I met you before?" he asked. "Um... maybe?" He shrugged and walked over to the ugly young step sisters, "And who might you beautiful young ladies be?" Nightstar looked at him one more time, "I know who you are!" she yelled, "You still owe me five bucks for the smoothie!", he lookes up at her with fearful, startled eyes. He grabbed the hand of the yet uglier step mother, and ran out the castle doors. He jumped on his motorcycle and speed of, leaving a poor Snow White without a ride, a poor Cinderella missing her Prince Charming, and a certain Nightstar short five bucks. Then Nightstar charged back into the pumpkin carridge, the horses charged in the direction of the rouge motorcycle. She was closing the gap between them. When she just about had her hand touching the back of the ugly step mother, midnight struck, the carridge turned back to a pumkin, Nightstar fell onto the road, and "Prince Charming" dropped one of his smelly old loafers. Nightstar picked up the shoe, making sure to keep it far away from her face, "I'm sure I can find him through this... thing."

11/4/2009 10:00:42 am

Thankyou Puppin

Nightstar walked along the road, hoping to ketchup with her knight in shining DEPT. On her way there, she heard the coolest voice she had ever heard. "How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck would chuck NORRIS." "Never, oh awesome one." Nightstar turned a corrner to see....CHUCK NORRIS!

11/4/2009 12:41:55 pm

Oops. knight in shining debt. (I think my english teacher will love me for that.) Also, the person who said, "Never oh whachamacalit one" is one of the five billion servants of CHUCK NORRIS

11/5/2009 07:23:01 am

And Chuck Norris was PRETTY ANGRY anfter he had heard his so-called servant make up some little kiddy rymish thingy after him. So he round house kicked him and that was the end of that. Then he saw Nightstar standing in his way and just as he was about to round house kick HER, a meteor fell to Earth, a new govenor was elected, a little boy learned to tie his shoes a police squad car crashed! What did all this have to do with Chuck Norris? Nothing, but all that was enough to make him distracted with that enough to leave Nightstar alone. Then as she kept going on her way, she saw her knight in shining debt walking along with the one, the only, true blue, FAIRY GOD MOTHER! (yes, bippity boppity boo and all that stuff) He was trying to persuade her to let him get three wishes but no matter how hard Fairy God Mother tried, she couldn't get him to understand the whole concept about fairy god mother vs. genie.

11/5/2009 01:10:18 pm

Befor Nightstar could reach him, a mouse the size of a human walked up to her, and looked at the smelly old loafer. "Hmm. That looks like the Prince of Limburger's shoe. No doubt about it." Then, after one whiff of the shoe, the mouse fell on its back, legs straight up, stiff as a board.

11/6/2009 04:58:48 am

Nightstar decided that the mouse was a little to creepy to be rescued, so she continued on her way when suddenly... A MOUSE THE SIZE OF A SKYSCRAPER WALKED RIGHT TOWARD HER! ! ! It was the "giant" mouses mother!

11/6/2009 06:02:17 am

The giant mousie she-mouse screamed and fainted and then Chuck Norris punched the night in shining debt with his fist inside of his beared and Nightstar stared at him. Then she came over, stole the night in shining debts wallet. All of a sudden, a bird came down and ate him. Then she heard,"Hey" from behind her. Sh thought "Hear we go again....."

11/7/2009 05:32:11 am

Then everyone cheered for no apparent reason, Nightstar dropped the wallet, and the ->K<-night in shining debt stood back up and picked up his wallet.

Oops...Punkin says Sorry....
11/7/2009 10:08:37 pm

And all of a sudden, and out of nowhere, SPONGEBOB APPEARS!!

11/9/2009 05:36:55 am

Then he start choking because he had to go back to water. Then Nightstar got so distracted she almost fainted when he got up and ran back to his pineapple.

12/10/2009 08:40:26 pm

out of nowhere, appears SANTACLAUS!!!!!!!!! Huh huh huh?

Santa throws giant pieces of coal at the knight in shining debt. "You have not been a nice boy this year," he said

12/11/2009 05:30:02 am

Then Santa relizes the knight in shining dept is not asleep so he jumps in his sleigh and his reigndeer all run on air as fast as they can and in the blink of an eye, he went around the world bringing toys, gifts, joy, happieness, and coal.

Punkin says hi
1/15/2010 08:07:13 am

then out of nowhere, a giant tornado came aroud the corner and everyone started singing!"SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW! WAY UP HIGH!!!!" SO YEA!!!!!!!!!

1/21/2010 09:48:19 am

And then Dorathy kicks off her shoes and starts doing the can-can! ! ! Nightstar picked up the shoes and tried them on. She clicked her heels three times while singing "I wish I was home..." And POOF... Nothing happened... She sang it again... POOF... Nothing happened... 100000000290003 times later... she sings it again... NOTHING... And she was home. Then she found out what the shoes did and sang "I wish I had a million bucks..." and POOF... Nothing! 1.0000000029003 to the 13th power times (I was reviewing scientific notation in school this week) And NOTHING... And the night in shining debt came up, regreted all that he had done, and gave her a million bucks that he stole from the bank! Then she had to return the money and got a 5 cent reward. Then she threw away the shoes. Which she didn't know she could return for a reward of a million bucks. Then suddenly... Prince Charming appeared out of no where and started jumping on a trampoline!

1/26/2010 10:16:58 am

aout of nowhere, a castle apppeared by the trampolene. apparently, it had no doors, no stairs, only one window. "Hey, Rapunzel," the price yelled, "throw down that hair of yours so i can escape from this lady who i owe $5 to." Rapunzel looked at him, and saw Nightstar, "You mean her?" she asked, "She is way worth more than $10. Besides, you will lose the fan-cesses if you take her." The witch saw how the prince was asking Rapunzel for help, and waved her wand, "I will cast this spell, you will turn into a potato if you don't find my litte kitty, Rusty, by Midnight. He ran away when he was only six and a half months old, and he has a firey coat. (sound familiar?)Find himn or else." The wich rode away on her broomstick, crying

1/27/2010 08:05:15 am

The knight in shining dept blinked, then walked away. He said (out loud!) he would rather be a servant of chuck norris than search for an evil witch's kitty-cat. Then chuck norris got angry and took him away to be a servant of chuck norris. Then poor Nightstar (who has been forgoten for awhile) was all alone again. So she jumped on the trampoline until she was bounced up into the castle where she had tea with Puppin and Charlette... Charlette NORRIS! ! ! Chuck Norris's... SISTER! ! ! She is twice as strong and eats tea cookies for breakfast! And runs after knights in shining dept for dessert! She also jumps on sugar plums for potatoes! So Nightstar told her what the knight in shining dept did and she chased chuck norris away and took the knight in shining dept back to Nightstar where she then founf out... HE LOST HIS WALLET WHILE SERVING BUNNY-SHAPED COOKIES TO CHUCK NORRIS! ! !

1/28/2010 10:24:38 am

And so she slapped him before she thought of anything else to do and called him a stupid,stinky heccacapleggableh. He started to cry. "SHUT UP!" She screamed in his face and Punkin was so scared that she crawled into feetle possition and whimpered that she wasn't going to die.

1/28/2010 01:04:13 pm


Puppin felt sorry for Punkin so she gave her a cookie and a hippopotamus. Then the knight in shinging dept made his escape while everyone was wishing that THEY had hippopotimi... And platipi. So Nightstar ran out side and suddenly Humpty Dumpty fell in front of her from the wall outside her building. Fortunatly he wasn't hurt. Unfortunatly he hugged her because he though she saved his life... And she was afraid of eggs so she ran away. Fortuantly, she ran in the direction that the knight in shining dept went in. Unfortunatly she was so afraid of the egg that she passed her knight in shining dept without even noticing him. Fortunatly another egg showed her how to get to the knight in shining dept. Unfortunatly she was also afraid of that egg. So she didn't listen to the egg. Fortunatly she tried to not follow the path that the egg told her to go in, but she wasn't to smart and accidently took the path anyway.


2/5/2010 06:34:31 am

The answer lies inside your pocket.

2/5/2010 06:35:55 am

Nightstar screamed. Then she bit her tounge and screamed.

7/22/2010 03:41:33 am

New rule! If no one posts after you for at least a week... You can post again =)


Suddenly the packrats came out from the grass and started attacking fire trucks and peanuts!

8/13/2010 04:49:44 am

I am waiting for Twinkie to post =>-<=

8/13/2010 04:49:54 am

The fire trucks turned on their sirens and drove away to the Tonkalympics (Tonka's are those gummy trucks that people have as snacks). The peanuts were trampled by elephants who ran away from the circus. The packrats were also trampled. Nightstar srugged, and walked off in a random direction, and passed by her knight in shining armor. "Oh, hi guy who still owes me $5," she said nonchalontly (sp?) and continued walking. Wait, she thought, the guy who owes me money. She tuned around only to see that he was riding away on the stampeading circus elephants.

8/13/2010 04:55:03 am

When I said knight in shiming armor, I meant knight in shining debt

8/13/2010 04:58:38 am

Yay! She posted! And that was me up there btw =3

Then suddenly she relized he was going in the not-quite-right direction if he was riding away... In fact, he was not-quite-trying to avoid rumning her over! But then his stampeding circus elephant ate a amazingly delicious not-so-nutritous chocolate bar and got sick. Then he lied on his not-squishy back... Squishing the not-so-noble Knight in Shining Debt. Then the not-so-entertained Nightstar got bored with the not-so-well planned out preformance. And left. Without five bucks. And out another not-very-small amount of fifteen bucks for admission. And since her not-so-noble Knight in Shining Debt had offered to pay for her while she wasn't thinking about her not-so-large yet not-so-small five bucks, he owed her twenty bucks.

9/22/2010 03:18:35 pm

Then Nightstar started getting hungry, so she went to go look for a food court. Unfortunately they had all been destroyed during the elephant stampede. So she went to look for a fast food place. Unfortunately they had all been destroyed during the elephant stampede. So she looked for a classy restaurant. Unfortunately they had all been destroyed during the elephant stampede. So she decided to go look for a 7-11. Unfortunately they had all been destroyed during the elephant stampede. So she decided to eat diner food. Unfortunately they had all been destroyed during the elephant stampede. So she went to go to get a flat bread sandwich. It used to be a regular sandwich till the elephant stampede ;)

9/27/2010 01:57:24 pm

As she ate, she was reminded that she needed those $5 from her knight in shinging debt, so she continued the search. As she walkes, she came to a bridge. She started walking accross the wobbly planks held together by huge chunks of rope. when she was about half way there, a small troll jumped in her path. "I'm the grumpy old troll. You can't cross my bridge without answering a riddle." Nightstar looked at the short man with a long beard. Out of nowhere, a fox wearing a mask came running by both Nightstar and the troll. A few seconds later, he was chased by a young girl and a monkey, yelling "Swiper, no swiping!" The troll, visibly terrified of the fox, ran for cover unter the bridge, muttering, "go chase that terrible fox away. You can cross the bridge. Just go. go go gogogogo!" and with that, Nightstar, having no idea whatsoever of what just happened, shrugged and walked of into the jungle ahead.

9/27/2010 01:58:52 pm

if you see any obvious spelling mistake in ANY of my posts, know that i am the worlds worst speller.

9/27/2010 02:06:20 pm

The jungle was filled with snakes. If you didn't know, snakes hurt you. So Nightstar left the forest and walked over to a Repitition Therapy Unit of Repitition Therapy that has Therapy for those whom are afraid of Repitition. Nightstar thought it was a hot dog stand, so she walks in and shouted out to all the patients... "I want a hot dog. I want a hot dog. I want a hot dog. I want a hot dog. With ketchup. With ketchup. With ketchup. With ketchup. And mayo. And mayo. And mayo. And Mayo. No relish. No relish. No relish. No relish. Extra cheese. Extra cheese. Extra cheese. Extra cheese. And a soda. And a soda. And a soda. And a soda. Make it a coke. Make it a coke. Make it a coke. Make it a coke. Vanilla flavor. Vanilla flavor. Vanilla flavor. Vanilla flavor. Large please. Large please. Large please. Large please." By the time Nightstar had gotten to the muffins, everyone but the therapist therapist therapist therapist had fled from the Repitition Therapy Unit of Repitition Therapy that has Therapy for those whom are afraid of Repitition. So she went to a cave. ECHO ECHO ECHO ECHO!!!!!

9/27/2010 02:07:42 pm

Did I remember to mention that the patients patients patients patients all fled to the cave cave cave cave?

9/27/2010 02:12:12 pm

While in the cave, millions of bats flew down from the walls and onto the paintient's sholders. Everyone screamed screamed screamed screamed except for Nightstar, who thought bats were cool. A few minutes later (midnight to be exact), a few of the bats transformed into vampires, welcoming all the loonies to their "humble" abode.

9/27/2010 02:13:57 pm

Then the vampires had cookies. YAY COOKIES =3 Then the patients ate cookies. Then it turned out that the vampire was the therapist trying to get his patients back with cookies.


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